Category: World Tour

World Tour, Day 21: KEVIN J. ANDERSON (Apparently I fangirl more on the inside than I ever do on the outside)

Yesterday, I found out that Kevin J. Anderson (aka, the guy who, with Brian Herbert, been writing the Dune books since Frank Herbert died) lives in Colorado, not far from Denver. I also found out that David knows him and had something to drop off at his house, anyways, so would I be interested in coming along and meeting Kevin? Heck yes. I mean, I played it super cool, but only because I was freaking out on the inside. I

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World Tour, Day 20: Time to Crash Now and Sleep Forever

I was supposed to leave Denver last night on a 12:20am bus. Peter Wacks was kind enough to drive me to the Greyhound station and wait with me and, as we waited, they announced the bus would be an hour late. After a bit, he suggested I stay in Denver one more night and leave today. So we went to the counter to see if I could change my ticket. Alas, the counter had closed at 12:30, and it was

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World Tour, Day 15 Special Edition: O Come Thou End of Death and Bringer of Life

(Yes, this is out of order. I wrote it on this day.) What do mine eyes see? There comes in the distance the destroyer of men. What more could I ask, but to beg him not to come? We have called him, cried out for him in arcane rituals of pain and death and he strides across this world, a giant with a sword that cares nothing for what it wounds, only that blood spills out and dries to black.

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World Tour, Day 19: Church, Pizza, and Vegemite, Oh My!

Today I went to church with Stant, which ended up being us and a friend of his having a deep theological conversation in the cafe area while the church service happened in the sanctuary. We did pause so we could take communion, though. In case you’re not familiar with it, communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is a thing where people eat a bit of bread and drink a bit of wine or grape juice in rememberance of Jesus’

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World Tour, Day 18: Denver is the Place of Cool Authors

Back before Stant Litore came up with the pen name Stant Litore, I found this random guy on Twitter working on a series he called The Zombie Bible. I was intrigued. This idea was either going to be terrible or brilliant. So I went to his website and read the excerpts he had from his yet-to-be-published books. They were brilliant. He has since published five volumes of The Zombie Bible as well as numerous stories for Ansible, one of his

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Erica's Story (WIP title) | The Books of Bílo (WIP title) #1
First draft 29%
Hunter and Prey | White Changeling #3
First draft 100%

Grow Your Library

Hidden in Sealskin
The Illuminated Heart
Dreaming of Her and Other Stories
The Kitten Psychologist Tries to Be Patient Through Email
The Tree Remembers
Like Mist Over the Eyes
The Kitten Psychologist Broaches the Topic of Economics
The Kitten Psychologist
Plunged Ashore
The Kitten Psychologist Versus The Kitten's Owners