Category: Video Game

The Art of Goofing Off: Episode 7

Big news: On August 5th, I’ll be starting a Kickstarter for my next book, Like Mist Over the Eyes. For more information (and a handy reminder for the big day), RSVP to the Facebook event. Now, to our regularly scheduled programming (this episode contains movies, TV shows, and video games): Stories on the Big Screen (Movies) Monsters vs Aliens Sometimes you just want a fun movie. This is one of those, and quite a genre-savvy one, too. If you’re familiar

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The Art of Goofing Off: Episode 6

Before I get into this, an explanation for the radio silence on the poetry front: Between projects, everything goes florp for me for a while until stuff settles down and I go to the next thing. It always happens. I always pretend to myself that it’s not going to happen, and thus forget to make contingencies. So, after my huge editing push for Like Mist Over the Eyes, I wrote a bunch for an entirely unrelated story, got to the

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The Art of Goofing Off: Episode 3

The Art of Goofing Off now has its own official category! If you’ve missed any previous episodes and want to read them, or if you want to remember what it was I talked about that one time, now you can find all the episodes in one handy category. You’re welcome :) Stories on the Big Screen (Movies) Lars and the Real Girl This is a weird movie. And a beautiful movie. I want to explain the story, but I also

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The Art of Goofing Off: Episode 2

Has it really been a month already? Oh, February. So short. This episode talks about movies (well, movie), TV shows, video games, books, and art – in that order, too. Feel free to skip to the section(s) most conducive to your goofing off needs. :) Stories on the Big Screen (Movies) Ever After Ok, I didn’t discover this one this month, but I did watch it. Ever After is the story of Cinderella, but historical fiction instead of a fairy

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The Art of Goofing Off: Episode 1

For a while, I’ve wanted to write a feature about cool book, movies, music, etc that I’ve discovered and enjoyed. Now I am. You’re welcome. The Art of Goofing Off will be a monthly feature (usually the last Friday of the month, the first Friday this time because it took me a while to get the right picture together), the length depending on how many interesting things I find and how much I have to say about them. This episode

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Erica's Story (WIP title) | The Books of Bílo (WIP title) #1
First draft 29%
Hunter and Prey | White Changeling #3
First draft 100%

Grow Your Library

Hidden in Sealskin
The Illuminated Heart
Dreaming of Her and Other Stories
The Kitten Psychologist Tries to Be Patient Through Email
The Tree Remembers
Like Mist Over the Eyes
The Kitten Psychologist Broaches the Topic of Economics
The Kitten Psychologist
Plunged Ashore
The Kitten Psychologist Versus The Kitten's Owners