Hidden in Sealskin Launch Day and Other Upcoming Events

As of yesterday (well, okay, 2am today), Hidden in Sealskin went to the editor. Which means we’re getting close to launch day.

What’s launch day?

In an ideal world, September 21st.

In our world, sometime in September, before the Edmonton Expo (Sept 25-27).

Between then and now, there’s still a lot of work for me to do on the book, mostly in the area of formatting. Gotta make that paperback look good, after all. With The Illuminated Heart, I was still learning the software, so that took a lot of time and cost me a lot of headaches. But, now that that’s out of the way and I’ve come up with some strategies that will cut down on time, it should be a lot better this time. Which means I’ll have that proof copy ready quicker. Like. In time for The Offbeat Dialogues which, surprise, is happening again this year!

Actually, I’ve got a few events planned to lead up into the Edmonton Expo:

  1. Cover Reveal (wherein you’ll get to see what my cover designer, Roberto Calas, has been creating for you this past month or so)
  2. The Offbeat Dialogues (wherein I will actually have a proof copy to show off to you, unlike last time *shakes fist at Canada Post*)
  3. Book Launch (wherein Hidden in Sealskin will finally be available for you to own)
  4. Edmonton Expo (wherein book signings, chatting, and much merriment will be had)

In addition, there are a few things, like guest posts and interviews, which will be happening at as-yet undetermined times. Think of them like surprise gifts. :)

The Offbeat Dialogues: Folklore and the Modern Day

The date for this year’s Offbeat Dialogues has almost been decided (pending replies from the authors), and I’m nearly ready to announce who all the authors are, too. :D What I can reveal about their identities so far is that most of them are taking part in next week’s Storytime Blog Hop, and that all of them write in a bunch of different genres. And they’re awesome. Seriously. I can’t wait to let you in on who they all are… you have no idea how tempted I’ve been for the past two months to tell you because I’m so excited about who’ll be there.

More specifically, due to the topic, all of them have a book or series that combines folklore and the modern time in their own unique way.

In my case, Hidden in Sealskin is a fantasy from a series that will draw straight from folklore. Like, the kind of folklore that has fairies that are gorgeous and fascinating, but will steal your children and make you go crazy if you get on their bad side or just because they feel like it. Not the fairies that are cute and sparkly and make babies giggle or something.

For the modern day part, it takes place in a world that has cars. Because who said magic and technology couldn’t coexist?

Which is probably the lowest bar anyone could ever set for a story that fits this category. I promise everyone else’s fits much better. XD

Then again, we’ll also look at some specifically modern day attitudes about and ways of dealing with folklore. Especially when it comes to playing with it, extending it, or meshing it with other things. And other similarly meta stuff.

You’ll see what I mean when we have our chat. :)

What are you most looking forward to in these events? What would you like to learn about Hidden in Sealskin and its making in the days leading up to its launch?

Erica's Story (WIP title) | The Books of Bílo (WIP title) #1
First draft 29%
Hunter and Prey | White Changeling #3
First draft 100%

Grow Your Library

The Tree Remembers
Dreaming of Her and Other Stories
The Illuminated Heart
Hidden in Sealskin
The Kitten Psychologist Tries to Be Patient Through Email
Like Mist Over the Eyes
The Kitten Psychologist Broaches the Topic of Economics
The Kitten Psychologist