The Offbeat Dialogues 2015: Folklore and the Modern Day

The Offbeat Dialogues (share)

This Year’s Authors and Their Featured Work

In order of the pictures above, from left to right:

Katharina Gerlach, author of the Treasures Retold series.

Elizabeth McCleary, author of New Skin.

Krista D. Ball, author of the Spirit Caller series.

Rabia Gale, author of Shattered and other books of broken fairy tales.

Where and When to Join in

The Offbeat Dialogues: Folklore and the Modern Day will be taking place on Sept 11th, 2105 at 10:30am MDT. If you’re not sure when that is in your time zone, here’s a handy time zone converter. Do remember to put in MDT, not MST, as they’re different by an hour.

This will be a live Google Hangouts event, so the best places to get involved will be on my Youtube channel or Google+.

For a reminder of when this is happening, and to invite friends (and for the time zone conversion to be handled for you), RSVP to the Facebook event.

What Else?

The proof copy of Hidden in Sealskin will make an appearance, making this the official cover reveal! Roberto Calas did a beautiful job and I can’t wait for you to see it.

There’s nine days between now and then, but these won’t be eventless. Far from it:

Today, Krista Walsh posted a Q&A with me about writing, Hidden in Sealskin, and whether I prefer sweet or salty snacks. We’re having a lovely conversation in the comments as to which city in Canada is the most beautiful. :D

Next Wednesday, Katharina Gerlach (yes, the same who’ll be at The Offbeat Dialogues) will be publishing a guest post I wrote about that one time I read a book during a hockey game. On that same day, barring internet gremlins, I’ll be announcing Hidden in Sealskin’s official launch date. *cackles*

And then it’ll be only two days left until The Offbeat Dialogues!


Which author are you most excited to hear from and why?

Erica's Story (WIP title) | The Books of Bílo (WIP title) #1
First draft 29%
Hunter and Prey | White Changeling #3
First draft 100%

Grow Your Library

The Tree Remembers
Dreaming of Her and Other Stories
The Illuminated Heart
Hidden in Sealskin
The Kitten Psychologist Tries to Be Patient Through Email
Like Mist Over the Eyes
The Kitten Psychologist Broaches the Topic of Economics
The Kitten Psychologist