Two Hearts (Adam and Eve)

Two heartbeats
Skin on skin
Skin on skin
Naked chests against each other
Before there was shame there was us
Human being
Male and female
Male and female
Clothed by fire and hearts beating
Nothing to hide our skin and inside
The life flowed through our veins
And we were not ashamed

But that was so long ago
Two heartbeats
Skin on skin
Skin on skin
Now we cannot bear to look
We see ourselves as naked
Human being
Male and female
Male and female
We put up walls to hide the fire
The truth makes us ashamed
And life still flows through our veins
Covered by our stitched-together lies

The voice of love calls us back again
Two heartbeats
Skin on skin
Skin on skin
Now all of us hides
The speaker would kill us if he saw
Human being
Male and female
Male and female
Fire died the moment we acted
Juice dripped down like blood with our innocence
Ran flowing from our veins
And we are so ashamed

We stepped out to see our love
Two heartbeats
Skin on skin
Skin on skin
Tried to hide our hearts with blame
Pushed the other away
Human being
Male and female
Male and female
Love explained what death meant
Took the lies and gave a sacrifice
For life to flow through our veins
And that we would not be ashamed

But it will take so long
Two heartbeats
Skin on skin
Skin on skin
Naked chests against each other
A patchwork of lies between us
Human being
Male and female
Male and female
Clothed in cold and our hearts beating
Nothing to hide our skin, but inside
Life flows through our veins
And we still learn to be unashamed.

In the book of Genesis, in the Bible, after Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they saw that they were naked and were ashamed. So they sewed together fig leaves, the products of a tree whose name in Hebrew sounds like the Hebrew word for lies, and covered themselves with those lies because they could no longer handle their naked selves without walls to hide them – they thought there was something wrong with who they truly were. And when God called out to them in the Garden of Eden, they hid out of fear that God would kill them for doing what he had said would cause their death.

God didn’t kill them, but warned them how the world had changed because of their decision and sent them out of the Garden, away from the Tree of Life. But, before he did, he promised them a descendant who would be their saviour, and then he killed animals to make clothing of their skins so that Adam and Eve would be clothed not in lies, but in a sacrifice of love.

Psalm 46 (a spoken word poem) Note before you start: If you’re thinking of skipping out on the video, don’t. This is meant to be heard aloud, and the words

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