I was supposed to leave Denver last night on a 12:20am bus. Peter Wacks was kind enough to drive me to the Greyhound station and wait with me and, as we waited, they announced the bus would be an hour late.
After a bit, he suggested I stay in Denver one more night and leave today. So we went to the counter to see if I could change my ticket. Alas, the counter had closed at 12:30, and it was 12:35. Peter and I proceeded to pull out our phones and figure out what the exchange policy was for my ticket. He made a couple calls, and eventually did talk to a lady who came to the counter as she was leaving for her shift. He then proceeded to treat her in the most gracious way I’ve ever seen anyone treat a customer service person ever, even on a good day, and she informed us that I’d be able to come back the next say and get the time and date for my ticket changed for $20.
Peter then drove me back to David’s place (David, crazy enough, had had a feeling I’d be coming back and was awake to receive us) and I went straight to the guest room and slept and slept and slept.
I was burnt out, and I took today completely off for introvert recharging time and it was fantastic.
I also decided to stay a few more days. I angsted about that for a bit after David made the suggestion, because I didn’t want to miss out on meeting Elizabeth McCleary in Dallas, but she and I ended up having a video chat and she talked about how she used to worry about decisions like this, where both options are good. And, as time has gone by and she’s seen good come out of things not going the way she originally envisioned, she doesn’t worry about that anymore.
“The decisions that cause problems you aren’t going to see coming, anyways,” she said. “You’re just going to be doing what needs to be done.”
Which gave me a lot of peace, especially since I knew in my heart it was better to stay here a few days longer.
So I’m going to.
And I’m going to get a lot more sleep while I’m at it xD