World Tour, Days 29-36: Halloween + Pokemon Go = Happy Thea

When you’re travelling for a year, you can’t do ALL the things ALL the time. We all need a rest from time to time, and my visit in Miami was that: chill and introverted.

Meet Emily Casey, the Reason The Illuminated Heart Exists

I met Emily on Holly Lisle’s writers forum, back around when I met Constance. When she published The Fairy Tale Trap, I bought it and enjoyed it greatly. As is probably very obvious from my own books, I have a thing for new twists on old stories.

So does Emily, who messaged me one day out of the blue in… 2011? 2012? (I’ve made an executive decision not to scroll back through all our Facebook messages since then xD ) and asked me if I wanted to join her in writing fairy tales with zombies in them.

My exact thoughts: “I’m not really that into zombies. I mean, World War Z was good, but that’s all I’ve really read of the genre.”

My words: “Sure, let’s do it!”

You know the rest of the story. :)

We’ve released three stories so far, between the two of us, and we each have more ideas that are currently on the back burner but, let me tell you, they’re going to be great. Emily’s stories are as follows (both infused with her particular blend of dry humour and wackiness):

Cinderella and Zombies
Snow White and Zombies

And mine is, of course:

The Illuminated Heart

Gotta Catch Them All- Halloween Edition!

Emily and I both play Pokemon Go, and there was a Halloween event going on, so we played a lot, catching way more Ghastleys in the process than I had previously thought possible in just a few days. On Halloween itself, we went to a trick-or-treating event and her husband watched the kids while she and I made walking rounds where there weren’t so many people to hit all the Pokestops we could. We also took down a gym together, but weren’t quick enough to get our Pokemon into it xD

Sharing the Joy of Video Games

I got her kids hooked on Minecraft.

It went like this: I’d been playing Kingdom: Classic (which you can’t buy anymore, due to Kingdom: New Lands now being a thing), and Emily’s kids were curious and wanted to play it, too. So the oldest two got turns playing that and, since you can’t have multiple saves, I played Minecraft instead. Her third child got interested in that and decided she wanted to play it on her turn with my games.

What resulted on her turn was all three of them playing at once, the oldest on the mouse, the second oldest on the keyboard, and the third directing what they would build.

(Since I’m writing this as late as I am, I can also tell you that, a month after I left, they saved up enough from doing extra chores to buy Minecraft for themselves. I happily emailed their world to Emily and a link to the official wiki.)

Emily then proceeded to get me playing The Secret of Monkey Island, so it looks like we’re even.

Vegemite and Water Bottle: the Reunion

While Constance was driving me to the airport in Texas, I realized I’d forgotten my water bottle behind. Since we couldn’t turn back and get it, I gave her Emily’s address and hoped the bottle would make it to me while I was there.

It did.

The Vegemite was ecstatic.



Oh, and for anyone wondering about the view from Emily’s balcony (where the Vegemite and water bottle reunion pictures were taken, it looks like this:


So pretty :)

Erica's Story (WIP title) | The Books of Bílo (WIP title) #1
First draft 29%
Hunter and Prey | White Changeling #3
First draft 100%

Grow Your Library

The Tree Remembers
Dreaming of Her and Other Stories
The Illuminated Heart
Hidden in Sealskin
The Kitten Psychologist Tries to Be Patient Through Email
Like Mist Over the Eyes
The Kitten Psychologist Broaches the Topic of Economics
The Kitten Psychologist